Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Let the truth be told and let's not allow the devious marketing schemes of Insurance companies to determine your retirement.
Retirement in all its simplicity is – Will I have enough?
Our answer to that is, yes we all could.

We, in today’s society, fall victim to the never ending perception that; you will not be able to stop working and you will never have enough money, BUT, buy this policy and you will miraculously be in good standing to have an “early retirement".
Placing fear in the consumer is a tool that most companies have, at some point, used in order to push their “life changing” policy. Most still do.

This is a misconception.

All it comes down to is living by your means and not wanting more than what you actually need.

Sounds easy and we know that some of you are thinking that you don’t even earn enough money to “want.”
Refrain from conforming to what society wants and expects from you and soon enough you will realize that you could make your money last.

If each South African could fall into the habit of saving a small portion and instill these values in the generations to come, then retirement would no longer be just a far off dream, instead, become reality for all.

There are many other savings vehicles besides what you receive from your company.
Investments are often over looked and made to seem as if it is only for the “upper class” - another misconception of society.

Any one from, the minimum wage workers to the over paid lawyers can contribute to an investment vehicle; it’s about time companies started forwarding these opportunities to the masses. Stop pushing funeral policies of which most minimum wage employees own at least three and contributing over R100 per month to. 

The combination of your companies’ pension/provident fund, a retirement annuity and an Investment vehicle with minimal contributions and minimal fees is all that is needed to achieve a comfortable retirement, not the “Directo 2000 wishful thinking” insurance policy!

This is not something that you have to do all at once, gradually phase it into your life and at the same time rid your life of things you do not need.
Simplicity is a word we have forgotten and we get told that we can’t live without certain amenities that are being advertised.
Simplicity is where it all began and simplicity is where we need to take it back to.

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