Tuesday, April 10, 2012


10 Lessons in Investment Principles following the National Budget Speech on 22 February 2012

There is just no point in producing more and more income if you are going to pay more and more tax. Management of the investment consequence of an investment portfolio has become ever more important.
Investment companies and trusts used to be the rage. No more!
Today investing in your own name or through a retirement fund is what it’s all about.
All of the above taxes are legally avoided if the taxpayer invests through a retirement fund (pension fund, provident fund or retirement annuity.) And the contributions to these funds are tax deductible as well.
Financial planning is not only about accumulating wealth. It is becoming more and more about lifestyle choices. Do the calculations to demonstrate what your dirty habits cost in the long term.
The residential property market will take years to recover.
Many South Africans have far too many properties.
Downsize on residential property! Bulk up!
The Government’s resources are limited and the demands are many. Service delivery and making a better life for all 50 million South Africans is now the priority. And taxpayers will have to pay the bill.
In South Africa today there is little Government can do to catch you if you fall. Social grants, although huge in number are very limited in amount.

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