Thursday, September 27, 2012


Once again we have an opportunity to do some dividend farming. The one that stands out this time is MMI. Using the live offer price right now [R21.11] (12:27 - September 27th 2012), the dividend yield is 6.34%. This includes at 69 cent dividend and a 65 cent special dividend.

The same applies as with all dividend farming and once again you will have to make sure that you own the share by the time the market closes tomorrow in order to earn the dividend. 

Below are the shares that are LTD tomorrow:

Shares going Last Day Trade on 28-Sep

Share code

Share name

Dividend / interest rate



Astrapak Limited Pref
Clover Industries Ltd
Cipla Medpro SA Ltd
Fairvest Property Hldgs
KAP International Hldgs
Kagiso Media Ltd

Metrofile Holdings Ltd
MMI Holdings Limited

Mpact Limited
Mustek Ltd
RMB Inflation X
RMB Top 40 ETF
Sasfin Hldgs Ltd Pref
Spur Corporation Ltd

dividend @ 365.452 cps
dividend @ 13.40cps
dividend @ 8.50cps
dividend @ 6.30cps
dividend @ 6cps
dividend @ 30cps and special dividend @20cps
dividend @ 4.5cps

dividend @ 69cps and special dividend @ 65cps
dividend @ 20cps

dividend @ 17cps
distribution (if any) TBA
distribution (if any) TBA
distribution (if any) TBA
dividend @ 351.55cps
dividend @ 47cps
Once again, you are welcome to sell on Monday (Ex Div), however waiting a week or so to break even on the trade, would be advisable. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Cashbuild is one of the fairy tale stories of the JSE. With the perpetual uptrend of its share price and continuous expansion of its operations, it really does belong in every well balanced portfolio. Cashbuild is well positioned and reads the market well, thereby always having a good product mix available to customers.

CSB - Weekly Chart

Cashbuild is South Africa's fastest growing retail building materials suppliers. It sells building and other related materials to the Bakkie-Builder market as well as the DIY market on a cash only basis. In other words, small scale building projects and home expansions form the basis of its business and all purchases that customers make are paid for by cash. An interesting observation here is; with the rapid growth of the lower income brackets, aided greatly by the aggressive pay rises often sought by trade unions, their business is growing rather quickly. Often what member of this income bracket will use their 12% salary increase to improve their living conditions. This means that they do a fair amount of home expansions and renovations, thus becoming customers of Cashbuild.

Cashbuild recently reported an increase of 11% in revenue complimented by a 25% increase in Net Asset Value, 88% increase in Headline Earnings and 96% increase in Dividends. With Earnings per share at R12.57, a Dividend Yield of 3.65, P/E ratio of 12.2 and great earnings growth potential, we see the fundamental value of this stock at R221.50. This then means that the stock is trading at a 42% discount to what it is worth right now. 

CSB - Daily Chart

Buying at R150.00 would be the ideal scenario, but anywhere between R150.00 and  R155.00 would suffice. There are two stoplosses indicated above; the first at R145.00 being for the more aggressive traders, and the second at R135.00 being for the longer term investors. Note that in both cases, the price would have to close below those prices for two consecutive days before the stoploss is triggered. Look to take profit when the share reaches its fundamental value price of R221.50.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Gill Marcus announced today that the South African Reserve Bank will leave the Repo Rate unchanged at 5%, thus the prime lending rate will also remain unchanged at 8.5%.

Other comments that were made were that; GDP Growth is expected to average 3.4% in 2013, Formal Sector growth remains weak and Inflation continues to surprise on the downside (meaning it is less than expected).

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Approximately a month ago, I posted the holdings of our Offshore Model Portfolio. As was the case with the local recommendations that I had made, the time has come to measure the progress and growth that our offshore portfolio has experienced over the last month. I have opted to illustrate the progress made by making use of 3 simple graphs.

The portfolio consists of 11 stocks that were all equally weighted when we started the portfolio last month. At inception, the portfolio asset allocation looked like this:

It is now just over a month down the line and we are still holding all of the positions that we entered into on the 16th of August 2012. With the majority of the positions entered into being in the money (in profit), we are happy to hold all the positions until something fundamentally changes that will prompt us to close an individual position. Naturally, we will take profit at some point, but until that time is upon us, we still hold the portfolio exactly as we bought it. Now however, due to the price fluctuations of our investments, the asset allocation looks a little different:

When looking at the individual stocks that are in our offshore portfolio and how they have performed, the following chart will prove helpful:

You will notice that the overall portfolio is up 2.57% since its inception a month ago. Note that the percentage growth calculations include brokerage on the leg out of the market, so if we had to close all of the trades now, the percentages above would be correct. With the trades still open and no brokerage having been paid on the leg out yet, the current profits are slightly larger and losses slightly smaller. I like to compensate for the leg out of the market so that it gives me a better indication of actual performance and does not leave with any nasty surprises.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


The question that is hot on everyone's lips at the moment, is whether or not it is the time for resources and commodities to start rallying.  Or in other words, should we be buying shares in resource companies and/or mining houses? In truth, this is a question that I am not yet comfortable to answer. There is still considerable evidence that the trend in these sectors is down, although signs that this down trend is starting to change are beginning to surface. Are we then to believe that the down trend will suddenly turn up for good? And with the very cheap valuations attached to many of the mining houses and resource producers, will they suddenly become the best investments available in the market? Once again I do not know, yet. I am patient enough to wait for confirmation before making any investment decisions. And so should you be.

This being said, it does help to be prepared. When the change in trend is confirmed and the time comes to invest, it will be of great benefit knowing which company, or companies, would  make for the best possible investment. There are a few out there with very cheap valuations and much potential. I will however only be focusing on one at this time; that being Gold Fields Ltd (JSE:GFI). 

First and foremost, is the recent news and the on-goings at the Gold Fields KDC mines. With the bulk of its operations in South Africa, this strike action should be taken rather seriously I deem. If it is amicably resolved within the next week or so, then GFI would earn a higher spot on the 'shares I want to buy' list. If however the political unrest (caused mainly by what is believed to be a faction within the ANC - with Julius Malema  as its front man - believed by some to be plotting to oust President Jacob Zuma) and strike action continues, then GFI would lose a fair amount of places on my aforementioned list.

Taking my focus off the noise in the market place and looking at some of the fundamentals of GFI, there are a few things that stand out to me. A P/E ratio of 8.85 and a dividend yield of 3.79% are not fantastic, but they are not all that bad either. Something else worth considering is the higher Gold price and weaker ZAR combination. I am of the opinion that the worst is yet to come for the ZAR and that soon it will have lost some more strength against the USD. Then there is the case of QE (Quantitative Easing) and the effects it has on inflation, which in turn leads to a rush for an inflation hedge, which spells a higher gold price (and equity prices for that matter). So a weaker ZAR and a higher gold price can only mean better profit margins for ZAR based gold miners. Also note worthy is that a rumor has circulated that the FED will start treating gold bullion as a near-cash reserve for banks to make loans against. This does certainly paint a profitable picture for a member of the top 5 gold miners in the world with an estimated 281 million ounces of reserves.

GFI - Daily
Looking at the chart above, I have indicated the support area (R95.00 to R96.00) in which the potential value in GFI will be maximised, so to speak. This is the area in which I would start buying GFI, provided that it gives me the opportunity, and that the mine is still standing of course.  There are more support levels further down, so if I am lucky enough to buy there, I would be pleased, however this might be unlikely as some analysts have called for a R130.00 price target. So the indicated area is where I will start to scaling into a long position in GFI. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Looking back at the last month and the trades that we have recommended, the time has come to see how our recommendations have faired.

First up was Coronation Fund Managers Ltd (CML). We recommended CML as it was trading at a 12.6% discount to our valuation of the share as well as having a great dividend yield of 5.7% and it is aggressively growing its market share in the asset management business. We recommended a buy at R29.00, although it proved stronger and never gave us the opportunity to buy at that price. Having a look at the chart below with the target entry area indicated, we managed buy some stock at R29.50. CML is currently trading at R30.30 and it still has some way to go before it reaches our target price or the price we believe it should be trading at from our valuation.

CML - Daily

Then came MTN Group Ltd (MTN). With its subscriber base up 6.9% and revenue up by 17.5% we recommended a buy at R150.00. Again, MTN proved stronger and we had to take advantage of one of the various opportunities it gave around the R155.00 level. It became clear that it was not going to trade down to our target entry and we bought at R155.00. Our price target is still some way up from here and MTN is currently trading at R159.94.

MTN - Daily

We also recommended Brait SE (BAT) on the back of a P/E ratio of 5.28 and a forward P/E of 5.26. There are also an abundance of fundamental reasons including the defensiveness of their holdings and the quality of their management team that prompted the buy. We did not specify an entry target price for BAT, however we took advantage of the price action 2 days ago and bought at R28.00. Currently BAT is trading at R28.50.

BAT - Daily

The lastly, we recommended a pair trade which was Long - MTN Group Ltd (MTN) and Short - Anglo American PLC (AGL). The entry prices we attained on these two opposing trades were (MTN) R158.40 and (AGL) R149.68. Currently, they are trading at (MTN) R159.94 and (AGL) R257.70 meaning that thus far the pair trade is down -0.23%. We have of faith in this trade as we are long the relatively stronger of the two shares and we are of the belief that this pair trade will soon become profitable.

Then just to end off with some news; the German constitutional court has ruled in favour of the (European Stability Facility) ESF provided that certain conditions are met by the ECB. This is favourable news for market and the since the ruling; the market has responded by becoming somewhat more buoyant on the day. Eyes now turn to Ben Bernanke once again, and the FED announcement that is due tomorrow (13 September 2012) regarding whether or not the FED is willing to provide more Quantitative Easing (QE3). Combine that with the situation developing in the South African mining sector and we have a lot of event risk in the market. Please trade with caution and make sure that you are in fundamentally good shares with good earnings growth potential, much like the shares that we have recommended above, in order to avoid the bulk of this event risk. The market place is noisy and we must ensure that we are in the very best possible shares so that we may ignore the noise.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The title to this write up might seem a little strange, but in light of the recent leakage of information from the ECB regarding the announcement that is due tomorrow, I thought a brief explanation on what it is to "sterilize " in economic terms.

First, it must be said that at this stage the information is still to be confirmed by an official statement that will be made by the the President of the ECB, Mario Draghi, tomorrow (at 14:30 GMT +2). Therefore the information that has leaked prematurely is then to be treated as a rumor. Even so, it would help if we understood roughly what the information meant.

So, rumor has it that the ECB has a plan that pledges unlimited, sterilized bond buying that they hope will help flatten the yield curve. What this means in plain English is that the ECB is willing to buy bonds with shorter (1 to 3 year) maturities, but do not want to increase the money supply in order to do it. In other words, the money that they create, or print, in order to buy these bonds will not be made available in the economic system. 

So what I assume they plan to do, is make use of repo (repurchase) transactions in order to "tie up" the newly created cash. So, they buy bonds in exchange for cash, but then immediately have that cash deposited back with them and they give the bonds back to whom they bought them from with idea of swapping back at a specified date in the future. Thus preventing the cash from entering into the economic system and in a sense, preventing Quantitative Easing and ultimately, inflation.

That sounds confusing, so I will try again. The ECB buys bonds with money that they created anew. This brings down the yields on the bonds. The ECB then borrows, the money that they just created and spent on these bonds, back from the parties (sovereigns and banks) that they had  given it to. This helps them combat the inflationary pressures that come from adding more and more money to the economy, ie. increasing the money supply.

For them to borrow the cash, they need to give something as security for their loan, so they give back the bonds that they just bought with the commitment to swap back at some point in the future. The entire deal has an expiry date attached to it when the ECB will repurchase (hence called a repo) the bonds from the parties they borrowed the money from. When this date arrives, the deal is probably going to be rolled over for another few years (and probably indefinitely), but the interest cost of the deal is now lower, as the bonds yields are lower, thus lightening the debt burden on sovereigns and banks.

It's a fancy smoke and mirrors show where the ECB can aid sovereigns and banks without actually doing anything. What they don't mention though is that there is long term fallout that this wonderful form of market manipulation causes, which comes in the form of a very low, or zero, deposit rate. This causes a few problems, so I will only mention one: people who are retired and are living off their cash savings, don't earn any interest and eventually run out of money. So a few years down the line, governments will be faced with a  increasing elderly poor that are in need of social grants  to survive. The cost attached to this is hard to quantify. In a sense, all they are doing, is delaying the debt problem for another day.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The pullback that the market has experienced in the last week or so has offered some very good opportunities to buy shares in companies with favorable fundamentals and which are solid out performers. The market does seem very uncertain at this stage, but with a careful and diligent approach, better risk weighed decisions can be made and good investment opportunities can be found.

One such opportunity, or company, is Brait SE (BAT). This is a holding company that has an impressive portfolio including; a very well positioned and ever expanding retailing business, local and international food producers, a private equity portfolio and alternative asset managers who have a very successful hedge fund business. Brait has great defensive value and has for some time now been performing better than the market. Combine this with a current P/E ratio of 5.28 and a forward P/E ratio that comes in lower at 5.26, a vastly experienced board of directors and a very conservative valuation, the investment case is compelling. It must also be said that the company compares very favorably to its sector peers.

BAT Weekly Price Chart
Above is a weekly chart of Brait SE (BAT) that should give you some idea of what the secular, or longer term trend is doing. It is yet to test its all time highs, however my feeling is that these wont put up too much of a fight.

BAT Daily Price Chart
When looking at the daily picture it becomes clear that at the times the overall market has had a difficult time rallying, BAT as proved very stable and its trend remains strongly in tact. I deem that once the current market correction is over and the overall rally continues, BAT shares should be among the top performers over the coming months.

Brait offers a very defensive long term investment opportunity with a good measure of optionality and great growth prospects.